Reading exercise.

The first one is a text below. Please, read it and notice how easy is to open your focus while reading.

Can you become aware of space which is between you and a screen you are reading from? Do it now, please. Keep reading and become aware of spaces between these words and spaces between lines of words? Do not stop reading and become aware of space in front and around the screen at the same time. Stay aware of space and feel your shoulders gently dropping now. Become aware of space on both sides of you. There is a lot of space around us all the time but we tend to ignore it. Stay aware of space on both sides of you and become aware of space below and above you. Feel muscles around your eyes gently relaxing. Stay aware of space and keep reading.


OF outdoor experience

The exercise below you may do in a busy place full of people like a high street, a shopping centre, an office area during a lunch time, etc. You can sit or stay in a safe place facing people around you with head phones in your ears. Hit the play button and enjoy. You can share your experiences in comments under this page.




Diffuse your attention – Quiet your Mind

This exercise will help you to experience the diffused attention style.
Find a quiet place, sit on the chair with your hands on your legs and follow instructions from a recording below.




.Dissolving negative feelings.

During this exercise I will ask you to process certain thoughts in order to trigger related body sensations. Then, I will ask you to diffuse your attention by staying aware of the body sensation related to that though, together with the rest of your body and space.

1. Please, choose an unwanted feeling. Grade it on a scale OF 1 to 10. 10 being the strongest. Say this number aloud.

2. Notice what you are thinking about when you feel this feeling. Is it a person or a place? Is it an event from the past or the future. Can you see colours or is it black and white? Is it a still picture or a short film? Can you hear anything?

3. Notice a body sensation related to this thought. Where it is? How big it is? Is it on the surface of your skin or deep inside your body? Does if feel like a hard ball or it is a soft tingling sensation?

4. Please, listen to the exercise below.


After the exercise you can try to trigger the same feeling again and see how strong it is. I would like you to practice this exercise with different unwanted feelings every day for the whole week


Dissolving compulsive behaviours.

During the exercise I will ask you to imagine yourself performing a behaviour. You should be able to sense where that body sensation is generated and how it feels.



You will not be able to see how this exercise changed your behaviours immediately after finishing the exercise for obvious reasons. I would suggest to repeat it every day for a week and keep noticing changes in your behaviours.


Easing into sleep with music.

During the exercise I suggest working on the body sensation – a feeling – related to a worrying or stressful thought. The thought which keeps you awake. I found that once this feeling is not addressed and you accidentally flash it in your head just before falling asleep it can make your mind start chattering again in seconds. If there is nothing specific that keeps you awake just choose, instead of a feeling, an area of your body that you can feel the best.



This exercise is with music which includes binaural beats. In short, the binaural beats stimulate the brain to produce waves in theta frequency. You will benefit the most by listening to it with good quality headphones.


You are space…

This exercise will help you to diffuse and immerse your attention and to get the new insight into reality as it is. You will become one with the whole Universe so be ready for a good ride.



This exercise is with music which includes binaural beats. In short, the binaural beats stimulate the brain to produce waves in alpha frequency. You will benefit the most by listening to it with good quality headphones.


Wrinkle Buster

There is a lot of hidden tension stored in facial muscles and once you know how to relax them you now how to release this tension. This exercise will make you feel better and look better (when repeated regularly).



Your thoughts here
  1. I have just listened to “You are Space” (on good headphones) and I experienced a very expanded sense of space and awareness. It is a marvellous recording and thank you for making it available to memebers. I always felt that the essence of Open Focus was to experience infinite space, permeating and containing everything, and this exercise leads you to a tangible experience of this.

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